Darrell Anderson’s Farm to Fork Broadcast, featuring Jackson Takach: Farmers’ Off-Farm Income

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In the Summer 2019 edition of The Feed, Farmer Mac’s quarterly perspective on agriculture, Farmer Mac’s Chief Economist Jackson Takach notes some highlights from the 2017 Census of Agriculture, including the number of farmers who spend 200+ days a year working off-farm. Listen in to this broadcast as Jackson discusses farmers’ off-farm income with Darrell… Read more »

Future agland dividends? Experts say volatility creates opportunity

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Future agland dividends? Experts say volatility creates opportunity AgWeek By: Mikkel Pates FARGO, N.D. — Despite recent declines commodity prices, farm and ranch land prices have held relatively constant, and this could provide an opportunity both for farmers and people looking to invest in farmland. The third annual Great Plains Land Expo, themed “Investing in… Read more »

Heartland Bank returns to agricultural roots

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Heartland Bank returns to agricultural roots Columbus CEO By: Evan Weese The community bank has more than doubled its agribusiness portfolio. Heartland Bank is going back to its roots. After a decades-long hiatus from serving farmers, the community bank is back in a big way. In just the past two years, the Heartland’s agribusiness portfolio… Read more »

New Farmer Mac CEO meets with ICBA

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New Farmer Mac CEO meets with ICBA Independent Banker – May 2019 Brad Nordholm joined Farmer Mac as its president and CEO in October 2018. Brad Nordholm, president and CEO of the Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corporation (Farmer Mac), recently met with ICBA president and CEO Rebeca Romero Rainey to discuss the company’s partnership with ICBA. Now… Read more »