Farmer Mac was charted by Congress under the Agricultural Credit Act of 1987 in response to the national farm crisis of the 1980s.
The Farm Credit Act of 1971 (as amended)
Title VIII Agricultural Mortgage Secondary Market
Subtitle A – Establishment and Activities of Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corporation
12 U.S.C. 2279aa-1
(b) DUTIES. The Corporation shall—
“… I’d like to recognize one of the institutions created in the aftermath of the farm crisis of the 1980’s, the Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corporation, also known as Farmer Mac.
This institution has continued to fulfill its Congressional mission, as directed by this Committee, for nearly 30 years. Farmer Mac continues to work with agricultural lenders across the nation to provide the capital and liquidity that is essential to the success of America’s farmers, ranchers, and rural electric consumers.
As we continue to discuss the future of rural America, let us never forget the great benefit that a safe and healthy secondary market provides to both agriculture and rural America.”
— Congressman Frank Lucas (R-OK)
Former Chairman of the House Committee on Agriculture
Farmer Mac’s economists have years of experience and a wealth of knowledge in agriculture. Learn more about their thoughts on current conditions in rural America and subscribe so you are always in the know.
Farmer Mac’s credit protection solutions are risk management tools that help lenders free up capital and reduce credit risk.
More reasons to choose Farmer Mac